This is to inform you that a Puppyfind.com account was created using the email address of:
julianmurphy@yahoo.com and the website address of:
www.arganpoodles.net Since the contact information provided on the Puppyfind.com account did not match the contact information provided
within your website, we wanted to confirm with you that this account was indeed set up with your permission. Unfortunately,
it is a common tactic for Scammers to utilize legitimate breeder website information (but change the email address) in order
to try to not only get past our initial screening, but to also fool potential buyers.
It is for this reason we ask
that you confirm that this account was indeed created with your permission. The account in question is currently on hold and
the listings are not available to the public. If this account was created with your knowledge please let us know and we will
release it to the public. If this account was not created by you or with your permission, please inform us and we will ban
the account from the Puppyfind.com website.
Failure to respond within 48 hours may result in the account being banned
from the site.
Thank you for your time and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.